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Terraria Ram Usage

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  1. Terraria Ram Usage Guide
  2. Terraria Ram Usage Chart
  3. Terraria Ram Usage Meaning

In the World of Terraria, the choice is yours! Blending elements of classic action games with the freedom of sandbox-style creativity, Terraria is a unique gaming experience where both the journey and the destination are completely in the player's control. The Terraria adventure is truly as unique as the players themselves!

  • . 4GBs of RAM (Minimum) It is additionally recommended to have at least 8GB of RAM if you wish to use plenty of mods at once due to your memory size mirroring to your Total Physical Memory.
  • . The Herobrine plan will start at 10GB of RAM. As the server requires more RAM, you may request more memory in increments of 2GB. When your server requires more RAM, request this in a support ticket and we will evaluate the server and make sure that 2GB of memory is needed and will help to boost performance.
  • . 4GBs of RAM (Minimum) It is additionally recommended to have at least 8GB of RAM if you wish to use plenty of mods at once due to your memory size mirroring to your Total Physical Memory.

This was originally posted here on reddit.If you decide to try this, please post a comment either confirming that it works or stating any issues that came up.Thanks to reddit user /u/mat_storm1 for pointing out some typos and thanks to reddit user /u/supercore23 for pointing out potential issues with spaces in the world path.

What is this?

This guide explains how to install and run a Terraria server on your Raspberry Pi. I assume you have already installed Raspbian and have a very basic understanding of the command line. Installation on other Unix-based systems should be very similar. The goal is to reach a setup that only requires you to plug in your Pi to start the server. Connecting to the server should be easily done by using a hostname, not an IP. We should also be able to ssh into the server and do server-admin stuff at any time.

I describe only one way to achieve such a setup and I'm sure there are alternative ways that have advantages. Please post them to the comments. This guide is for a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B running Raspbian wheezy and using the following software versions:

  • mono: 3.2.8
  • tShock 4.3.8 (for Terraria

Setup for other versions should be the same or very similar.

##Binding your Pi to a hostname

We are going to use a dynamic DNS to bind the Pi to a hostname. I'm going to use the free service of no-ip for this. Sign up and get yourself a hostname you like. I'll use for this explanation. Substitute your hostname wherever you see this.

###Installing the no-ip dynamic update client (DUC)

  1. cd /usr/local/src
  2. sudo wget
  3. sudo tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
  4. cd noip-2.1.9-1
  5. sudo make install and finish the initial configuration (enter credentials of your no-ip account, defaults should be fine).

Automatically starting the DUC on startup

  1. sudo nano /etc/init.d/noip
  2. Write the following into the file and save it:
  1. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/noip
  2. sudo nano /etc/rc.local
  3. Add this on a new line before the exit 0 statement: sudo /etc/init.d/noip start

Now we have a hostname that points to the Pi from outside but your router will probably reject incomming connections to it. Log into your router (how this works depends on your router and home network setup) and forward the ports 22 (TCP for ssh) and 7777 (TCP/UDP for Terraria) to your Pi. This will allow players to connect to the server and you to log into your Pi even from outside your network. Epic nintendo music. Obs autotune plugin.

Installing the Terraria server

###Installing mono

Terraria with tShock is a Windows application and needs a little help from mono to run on Debian. Install mono with sudo apt-get install mono-complete.

Installing Terraria and tShock

  1. We want to download tShock (which includes the executable) from the tShock website onto the Pi. The easiest way to do this is to find the download link (the one that ends with '.zip'), copy it to the clipboard and then do wget Of course you should supply the full link with the correct version. This will download the zip file into the current directory.
  2. Put the downloaded file in the ~ directory of your Pi. If you used wget from the ~ directory, you can skip this step. If you downloaded the file with another machine use scp or FileZilla to transfer the file to your Pi.
  3. On the Pi: cd ~
  4. unzip (filename will change with version, change accordingly)

You should now already be able to start the server with mono TerrariaServer.exe. Note that this will generate some directories and files. If you don't want to use the default file locations (for worlds, logs etc.) either wait with starting the server or delete the generated files again afterwards. You can exit from the server with ctrl-C if you don't want to generate and load a world.

Setting up the server automatically at boot

Usually the server asks you at every start for some settings (world, max players etc.). To start the server automatically with a script, we need some config files to specify these settings.

The Terraria server config file

This is the file used by the Terraria server, not by tShock.

  1. nano ~/serverconfig
  2. Write (something like) the following into the file and save it:

Do not use the default location for world files. The default world path includes the folder 'My Games'. The space in the name is likely causing problems and you should choose a path with no spaces. Be sure that the world you specified exists in the right place (the path is relative to the server executable, not the world path). You can also use a prexisting world like from your Windows PC. Just copy it into the world directory on the Pi and set world accordingly.

The tShock config file

This file is located at ~/tshock/config.json. You don't have to change much here. Just make sure that ServerPort and MaxSlots agree with the serverconfig file from above. That is all.

Starting the server by script

For ease of use and later scripts, we write a script to start the server. Enter nano ~/ and write the following:

Save the file and make it executable with sudo chmod 755 ~/

Keeping control of the server across SSH sessions with tmux

If you just ssh into your Pi, start the server and then get disconnected, there is no easy way to reconnect and enter server commands. We need persistent sessions and tmux will help us (a great tool by the way). Install tmux with sudo apt-get install tmux. You can read up on it some other time if you want. The important things for us are:

  • Enter tmux to start a new session.
  • Press ctrl-B (and release), then press D to detach the tmux session.
  • Enter tmux a to attach to the session.

You can now do this (just to illustrate why tmux is cool, not necessary for the server setup):

  1. ssh into the Pi.
  2. tmux
  3. ~/ The server is running now.
  4. ctrl-B, D. Detach from the tmux session.
  5. ctrl-D. End the SSH session. You are now disconnected from the Pi on which the server is still running.

Now to regain control!

  1. ssh into the Pi.
  2. tmux a. Attach to the tmux session. You should now be back at the server console, being able to give controls (like shutting it down properly with /off).

Autostart the server in a tmux session


Ok, almost there now.

Terraria Ram Usage Guide

1. sudo nano /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart
2. Write the following into the file and save it:

This will, at startup of the Pi, create a tmux session, run the server-start script and detach from the session. It will do so as the user 'pi' which is the default user on a Raspbian install. Change both occurrenes of pi to your username if you've changed it.

3. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart
4. sudo nano /etc/rc.local
5. Add this line after your noip-start line and before the exit 0 line:

That's it!

We're done! sudo reboot to fire it off. When you now start your Pi, the following happens automatically:

  1. rc.local runs the script that starts the no-ip DUC which tells no-ip the IP of your Pi.
  2. rc.local runs the terraria-autostart script. A new (detached) tmux session is created and the server-start script is run inside it.
  3. The runs TerrariaServer.exe which takes all its configuration from the serverconfig file. The server is ready to play!

Here's what you and your friends do if they wanna play:

  1. Start Terraria and connect to Done.

Here's what you do if you wanna play god (or just administrate the server):

  1. ssh into the Pi from anywhere with ssh
  2. tmux a. You are now at the server console. Go administrate!

One more cool thing!

You might be interested in how taxing your battles are on the Pi. Here's how you can have your system monitor right next to your server console:

1. sudo apt-get install htop. top is also fine but htop is cooler.
2. Change the line in /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart to the following:

This splits the tmux session into two panes. Notepad2 vs notepad. Left is the server console and right is the htop monitor that tells you CPU, RAM usage etc. Two additional tmux commands you should know about (remember to press ctrl-B first):

  • left-arrow: change to the pane to the left of the current pane.
  • right-arrow: change to the pane to the right (duh.).

Alright, that is all. Suggestions and criticism are very welcome!!

'Terraria 1.2'
Release dateSeptember 30, 2013[1]
Version chronology
← Previous Next →
Useful links
Version history • All patches
This article is about the 1.2 update for the PC version of Terraria. For the 1.2 update for the console version, see Console Version History.

The 1.2 update introduced a massive amount of new features, as well as balances to Hardmode gameplay.

Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • You can no longer craft items or money by placing items in the trash.
  • You can no longer sell your gold to NPCs
  • Music box/chest duping no longer works
  • Bunnies/Goldfish spawned from statues no longer drop money during a Blood Moon
  • Equipping items to the social slot in German no longer crashes the game
  • The game will no longer create a random password during multiplayer world generation
  • You can now reforge in all languages
  • Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable
  • Fixed a lot of bugs that were not listed
  • Fixed a bug that let you duplicate items by dropping them and putting them in the trash at the same time

Mechanics and Gameplay[edit | edit source]

  • Enemies now have a health bar
  • There is now a map, mini map, and overlay that only shows tiles the brightest they have ever been seen by the player
  • The map can be toggled using tab, m, or through the map icons
  • 'M' has been remapped for the map feature
  • 'J' is now the default button for mana potion use
  • There is now an extended crafting menu that will show everything you can craft
  • Some items now stack to 999
  • There are now new backgrounds
  • Character slots have been increased to 1,000
  • World slots have been increased to 1,000
  • The starting female clothes have been modified
  • There are several new hairstyles
  • Character creation has been remodeled
  • Chest sizes have been doubled
  • Your inventory space has been increased by 10
  • You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks
  • The hammer is now used for creating slopes, halftiles, and breaking walls and certain other blocks only
  • The axe is now only used for chopping down trees, cacti, and giant mushrooms
  • Pickaxes will now remove blocks, placeable objects, and items such as Life Crystals and chests
  • You can now paint any solid tile or item
  • Dye slots have been added
  • You will now start with 20 mana
  • You can now craft early game magic robes and staffs
  • Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together
  • Mana Crystals only require 5 fallen stars to craft, down from 10
  • If water touches a halftile it will create a waterfall
  • Your world has a chance to get alternative ore as a replacement for copper, iron, silver, and gold
  • Your world has a chance to have a replacement for the Corruption
  • Your world has a chance to get alternative ores as a replacement for Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite
  • Your world has a rare chance to have a pyramid or living tree spawn during world generation each containing their own loot table
  • There is a new hardmode jungle temple
  • There are now beehives that can be found in the jungle
  • There are now several new backgrounds and tree variations your world has a chance to generate
  • Water will now change color based on the biome you are in and depth underground
  • Ropes are now found early game and can be used to craft rope coils for traversing the world
  • Chains can now be placed and used as a rope mechanism
  • Mushroom grass/seeds can now grow and spread above ground
  • There are now 3 colors for wires
  • Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive
  • There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle
  • There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are placed nearby
  • Pearlstone bricks no longer spread hallow
  • Rain and blizzards have been added
  • There is a new snow biome with unique treasures and items for normal and hardmode
  • Enemies no longer trigger underground pressure plates
  • There are new pressure plates that can only be triggered by certain things such as the player, enemies, or both
  • Clowns will no longer blow up tiles
  • There are several new buffs and debuffs
  • There are now Large Gems that can be crafted. When in a player's inventory, they will cause a hologram of the Large Gem to appear above the player's head. They are dropped upon death even for Softcore Players. These can be used for a 'Capture the Gem' game.
  • There are 2 new hardmode events
  • Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night
  • Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5
  • You now use a pickaxe to remove armor from a mannequin
  • Players no longer take double damage in PVP
  • Items of the same type will now stack when next to each other
  • When using a gravitation potion your world will invert rather than your character
  • You can no longer become invincible when touching fire blocks
  • Increased speed at which you can buy stacks of things

Graphical Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The Sun is now brighter
  • Midnight is now darker
  • The sky has a smooth gradient
  • Many items have been resprited, including gems, colored torches, Minishark, Muramasa, Aqua Scepter, Starfury, etc.
  • There are now stalagmites, icicles, moss, plants, rocks, and other 'piles' added to enhance the environment
  • There are several new mini caves that can be found with unique backgrounds
  • Each biome will now have chests and pots with unique graphics
  • The Dungeon now has three unique textures/colors and furniture
  • Hell houses have been remodeled
  • Floating islands have been remodeled
  • Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:
  • Corruption: Ebonwood
  • Jungle: Rich Mahogany
  • Crimson: Shadewood
  • Hallow: Pearlwood
  • Each brick now has its own unique texture
  • Each brick wall now has its own unique texture
  • Torches are now animated and can be placed on walls
  • Common enemies such as Demon Eyes, Skeletons, and Zombies have all been given graphical variations
  • There are several new tombstones
  • All objects in the game that sparkle will now sparkle with a corresponding color

Recipes/Items[edit | edit source]

  • In total there are over 1,000 new items
  • There are 9 new ores
  • There are 4 new wood types
  • There are 31 new brick types
  • You can now imbue melee weapons
  • There are several new arrow and bullet types
  • There are several new crafting stations
  • There are several new wands used for crafting new bricks and brick walls
  • You can now craft bricks, walls, and furniture out of several new materials:
    • Slime, Bone, Mushroom, Living wood, Flesh, Silt, and many more!
  • You can now craft Jester Arrows
  • There are 12 new wing types
  • There are several new vanity sets
  • There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies
  • You can now craft stained glass
  • There is an item in Hardmode that allows you to change biomes (Clentaminator)
  • There is an item in Hardmode that allows you to increase your max health (Life Fruit)
  • There are 29 new tinker combinations
  • Several new items have been added to the game that are used for crafting dyes
  • Starfury now acts as a melee weapon and has had its damaged increased
  • Aqua Scepter has been redesigned and does slightly more damage for less mana
  • Water bolt has been redesigned and does slightly more damage
  • Vilethorn does more damage and uses less mana
  • Magic Daggers have been buffed
  • All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses
  • Items that were called dyes previously for crafting have been changed to thread
  • Chests now have larger loot tables
  • You can now make picks instead of drills and axes instead of chainsaws in late game tiers
  • Increased the drop rate of Souls
  • There are over 50 paintings that can be collected randomly throughout the world
  • Jungle armor no longer requires gems
  • The amount of Meteorite required for crafting has been decreased
  • Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage
  • Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money
  • Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy
  • Hooks can now be crafted out of gems
  • The Depth Meter is no longer craftable
  • Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source
  • Floating island chests no longer require a key
  • Gems and bars can be placed
  • Items made from Hellstone now require less Hellstone

NPCs[edit | edit source]

  • There are 8 new friendly NPCs
  • There are 4 new bosses
  • There are over 100 new enemies
  • Friendly NPCs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in
  • Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game
  • Current Hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased
  • There is a rarely spawning mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the Snow biome (Ice Golem)
  • There are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies
  • Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
  • Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table

Music[edit | edit source]

  • There are 15 new tracks for the game, 3 of which are from the console version of the game
  • Day theme 2 will loop into day theme 1 to add variation above ground
  • Desert, ocean, glowing mushrooms, dungeon, and space all have their own tracks now
  • Ice biome has an above and below ground track

Performance/Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • The game now only loads assets when needed, reducing the amount of RAM used
  • Optimized tile data to reduce RAM usage
  • The game will now ask you if you want to use UPnP to automatically port-forward when hosting multiplayer

References[edit | edit source]

Terraria Ram Usage Chart

Terraria Ram Usage

Ok, almost there now.

Terraria Ram Usage Guide

1. sudo nano /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart
2. Write the following into the file and save it:

This will, at startup of the Pi, create a tmux session, run the server-start script and detach from the session. It will do so as the user 'pi' which is the default user on a Raspbian install. Change both occurrenes of pi to your username if you've changed it.

3. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart
4. sudo nano /etc/rc.local
5. Add this line after your noip-start line and before the exit 0 line:

That's it!

We're done! sudo reboot to fire it off. When you now start your Pi, the following happens automatically:

  1. rc.local runs the script that starts the no-ip DUC which tells no-ip the IP of your Pi.
  2. rc.local runs the terraria-autostart script. A new (detached) tmux session is created and the server-start script is run inside it.
  3. The runs TerrariaServer.exe which takes all its configuration from the serverconfig file. The server is ready to play!

Here's what you and your friends do if they wanna play:

  1. Start Terraria and connect to Done.

Here's what you do if you wanna play god (or just administrate the server):

  1. ssh into the Pi from anywhere with ssh
  2. tmux a. You are now at the server console. Go administrate!

One more cool thing!

You might be interested in how taxing your battles are on the Pi. Here's how you can have your system monitor right next to your server console:

1. sudo apt-get install htop. top is also fine but htop is cooler.
2. Change the line in /etc/init.d/terraria-autostart to the following:

This splits the tmux session into two panes. Notepad2 vs notepad. Left is the server console and right is the htop monitor that tells you CPU, RAM usage etc. Two additional tmux commands you should know about (remember to press ctrl-B first):

  • left-arrow: change to the pane to the left of the current pane.
  • right-arrow: change to the pane to the right (duh.).

Alright, that is all. Suggestions and criticism are very welcome!!

'Terraria 1.2'
Release dateSeptember 30, 2013[1]
Version chronology
← Previous Next →
Useful links
Version history • All patches
This article is about the 1.2 update for the PC version of Terraria. For the 1.2 update for the console version, see Console Version History.

The 1.2 update introduced a massive amount of new features, as well as balances to Hardmode gameplay.

Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • You can no longer craft items or money by placing items in the trash.
  • You can no longer sell your gold to NPCs
  • Music box/chest duping no longer works
  • Bunnies/Goldfish spawned from statues no longer drop money during a Blood Moon
  • Equipping items to the social slot in German no longer crashes the game
  • The game will no longer create a random password during multiplayer world generation
  • You can now reforge in all languages
  • Active blocks will no longer become inactive with a chest on them
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a suitable house to be unsuitable
  • Fixed a lot of bugs that were not listed
  • Fixed a bug that let you duplicate items by dropping them and putting them in the trash at the same time

Mechanics and Gameplay[edit | edit source]

  • Enemies now have a health bar
  • There is now a map, mini map, and overlay that only shows tiles the brightest they have ever been seen by the player
  • The map can be toggled using tab, m, or through the map icons
  • 'M' has been remapped for the map feature
  • 'J' is now the default button for mana potion use
  • There is now an extended crafting menu that will show everything you can craft
  • Some items now stack to 999
  • There are now new backgrounds
  • Character slots have been increased to 1,000
  • World slots have been increased to 1,000
  • The starting female clothes have been modified
  • There are several new hairstyles
  • Character creation has been remodeled
  • Chest sizes have been doubled
  • Your inventory space has been increased by 10
  • You no longer need to jump to ascend single blocks
  • The hammer is now used for creating slopes, halftiles, and breaking walls and certain other blocks only
  • The axe is now only used for chopping down trees, cacti, and giant mushrooms
  • Pickaxes will now remove blocks, placeable objects, and items such as Life Crystals and chests
  • You can now paint any solid tile or item
  • Dye slots have been added
  • You will now start with 20 mana
  • You can now craft early game magic robes and staffs
  • Bricks, wood, stone and glass all now blend together
  • Mana Crystals only require 5 fallen stars to craft, down from 10
  • If water touches a halftile it will create a waterfall
  • Your world has a chance to get alternative ore as a replacement for copper, iron, silver, and gold
  • Your world has a chance to have a replacement for the Corruption
  • Your world has a chance to get alternative ores as a replacement for Cobalt, Mythril, and Adamantite
  • Your world has a rare chance to have a pyramid or living tree spawn during world generation each containing their own loot table
  • There is a new hardmode jungle temple
  • There are now beehives that can be found in the jungle
  • There are now several new backgrounds and tree variations your world has a chance to generate
  • Water will now change color based on the biome you are in and depth underground
  • Ropes are now found early game and can be used to craft rope coils for traversing the world
  • Chains can now be placed and used as a rope mechanism
  • Mushroom grass/seeds can now grow and spread above ground
  • There are now 3 colors for wires
  • Actuators can be used to make any solid tile active and inactive
  • There is 1 new liquid type that can be found in the Jungle
  • There are several new fountains that will change the color of water when they are placed nearby
  • Pearlstone bricks no longer spread hallow
  • Rain and blizzards have been added
  • There is a new snow biome with unique treasures and items for normal and hardmode
  • Enemies no longer trigger underground pressure plates
  • There are new pressure plates that can only be triggered by certain things such as the player, enemies, or both
  • Clowns will no longer blow up tiles
  • There are several new buffs and debuffs
  • There are now Large Gems that can be crafted. When in a player's inventory, they will cause a hologram of the Large Gem to appear above the player's head. They are dropped upon death even for Softcore Players. These can be used for a 'Capture the Gem' game.
  • There are 2 new hardmode events
  • Werewolf form has been buffed and can take place every night
  • Broken armor debuff only lasts 2 minutes, down from 5
  • You now use a pickaxe to remove armor from a mannequin
  • Players no longer take double damage in PVP
  • Items of the same type will now stack when next to each other
  • When using a gravitation potion your world will invert rather than your character
  • You can no longer become invincible when touching fire blocks
  • Increased speed at which you can buy stacks of things

Graphical Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The Sun is now brighter
  • Midnight is now darker
  • The sky has a smooth gradient
  • Many items have been resprited, including gems, colored torches, Minishark, Muramasa, Aqua Scepter, Starfury, etc.
  • There are now stalagmites, icicles, moss, plants, rocks, and other 'piles' added to enhance the environment
  • There are several new mini caves that can be found with unique backgrounds
  • Each biome will now have chests and pots with unique graphics
  • The Dungeon now has three unique textures/colors and furniture
  • Hell houses have been remodeled
  • Floating islands have been remodeled
  • Each biome will now have unique textures and wood types:
  • Corruption: Ebonwood
  • Jungle: Rich Mahogany
  • Crimson: Shadewood
  • Hallow: Pearlwood
  • Each brick now has its own unique texture
  • Each brick wall now has its own unique texture
  • Torches are now animated and can be placed on walls
  • Common enemies such as Demon Eyes, Skeletons, and Zombies have all been given graphical variations
  • There are several new tombstones
  • All objects in the game that sparkle will now sparkle with a corresponding color

Recipes/Items[edit | edit source]

  • In total there are over 1,000 new items
  • There are 9 new ores
  • There are 4 new wood types
  • There are 31 new brick types
  • You can now imbue melee weapons
  • There are several new arrow and bullet types
  • There are several new crafting stations
  • There are several new wands used for crafting new bricks and brick walls
  • You can now craft bricks, walls, and furniture out of several new materials:
    • Slime, Bone, Mushroom, Living wood, Flesh, Silt, and many more!
  • You can now craft Jester Arrows
  • There are 12 new wing types
  • There are several new vanity sets
  • There are a lot of new rare drops added to enemies
  • You can now craft stained glass
  • There is an item in Hardmode that allows you to change biomes (Clentaminator)
  • There is an item in Hardmode that allows you to increase your max health (Life Fruit)
  • There are 29 new tinker combinations
  • Several new items have been added to the game that are used for crafting dyes
  • Starfury now acts as a melee weapon and has had its damaged increased
  • Aqua Scepter has been redesigned and does slightly more damage for less mana
  • Water bolt has been redesigned and does slightly more damage
  • Vilethorn does more damage and uses less mana
  • Magic Daggers have been buffed
  • All of the old classic armors can be found as rare drops and have the same stats as their current counterparts and count towards set bonuses
  • Items that were called dyes previously for crafting have been changed to thread
  • Chests now have larger loot tables
  • You can now make picks instead of drills and axes instead of chainsaws in late game tiers
  • Increased the drop rate of Souls
  • There are over 50 paintings that can be collected randomly throughout the world
  • Jungle armor no longer requires gems
  • The amount of Meteorite required for crafting has been decreased
  • Meteorite armor has more defense and does more damage
  • Silt and slush can be extracted into useful materials, items, and money
  • Each boss has a rare chance to drop a placeable boss trophy
  • Hooks can now be crafted out of gems
  • The Depth Meter is no longer craftable
  • Stars can now be crafted with bottles to make a new light source
  • Floating island chests no longer require a key
  • Gems and bars can be placed
  • Items made from Hellstone now require less Hellstone

NPCs[edit | edit source]

  • There are 8 new friendly NPCs
  • There are 4 new bosses
  • There are over 100 new enemies
  • Friendly NPCs will sell different items depending on certain conditions such as time of day or biome they are living in
  • Hardmode bosses have a chance to spawn on their own to help players progress through the game
  • Current Hardmode bosses now do slightly less damage and have had their health decreased
  • There is a rarely spawning mini boss that can be found during blizzards in the Snow biome (Ice Golem)
  • There are over 15 new pets that can be found in chests and dropped rarely off enemies
  • Early hardmode enemies now do less damage and have less health/defense.
  • Skeletron can now be summoned and has a small loot table

Music[edit | edit source]

  • There are 15 new tracks for the game, 3 of which are from the console version of the game
  • Day theme 2 will loop into day theme 1 to add variation above ground
  • Desert, ocean, glowing mushrooms, dungeon, and space all have their own tracks now
  • Ice biome has an above and below ground track

Performance/Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • The game now only loads assets when needed, reducing the amount of RAM used
  • Optimized tile data to reduce RAM usage
  • The game will now ask you if you want to use UPnP to automatically port-forward when hosting multiplayer

References[edit | edit source]

Terraria Ram Usage Chart


Terraria Ram Usage Meaning

Retrieved from ''

broken image